Episode 62

Published on:

17th Jan 2022

Episode 62 - Grosse Point Blank

This week we're discussing Bullets, Tanks, all the Cusaks and that time Bowie vocalised with your man Mercury. It's 1997's Grosse Point Blank.


Grosse Pointe Blank, alternatively known simply as Blank, is a 1997 American black comedy crime film directed by George Armitage and starring John Cusack, Minnie Driver, Alan Arkin and Dan Aykroyd. Cusack plays an assassin who returns to his hometown to attend a high school reunion. The film received positive reviews from critics and grossed $31 million.


hello, everyone and welcome to this week's episode of a hundred things. We learned from film I'm one of your host, my name's planty and I'm gross and a No guy, I'm John and I shit blanks. Well, congratulations again! I I live in the show, yeah a O, I'm good, but it I've just had my my buster job, so I am covered free, all right, okay, I thought old people would have got them before. I did well on I'm young at heart to die of ovid booster. That's fine! Yes! Ladies Gentlemen, listeners, boys, girls, whatever the fuck you are, we don't care, go out and get your jab please. That would be. That would be very, very good for everybody involved. If you could do that. This, of course, is the podcast where we try and learn one hundred things from every film that we cover our GONEB. What are we covering this week? So we're looking in one thousand nine hundred and ninety seven gross point. Blank proper favorite, mind Disoun, but it was the music. The STATYON COUSAC is just neat's very well written. I think the dialogue is extremely a written. Eleanor can just not got enough tam in it, but he was so good, so good, I'm in this movie somewhere, I'm in the movie somewhere. You know you're, not a a long sucker. You Are you filmed all your scenes over lunch. It you had time when someone was shooting something else somewhere and you and they just got you and throw you in a cheap suit, came to know John. What could we have been talking about this year instead of this? Well of you right to find out the forms? One thousand nine hundred and eighty seven, you can go back and lest the corner because we were talking of it back then. Oh Con yeah, yeah good point. So cone was also John Yeah Yeah Yeah, all right, okay, e busy boy yeah. Shall we begin? Yes, we sho fantastic. It opens and it's Hollywood pictures. When did you last think of Hollywood? Pictures? John H, God yet forever ago, rip those guys. The first form was released in one thousand nine hundred and ninety, and it was a Ratnapoora Jesus. Virgilian Sat Julian Sense. Yeah. I haven't thought about a Ratnapoora in decades, one of those that I potentially do have to watch. They made terminal velocity, pretty good super marrier brothers, pretty shit, bad, no person, your favorite judge, dread the ugly good man yeah. Absolutely it's a Disney Company and they've managed to re rename a lot of their films now as a Disney film, which seems a little bit cheeky. I really, as you can this one, but this is evidently why we got it on Disney plus in the UK yeah. True that true that otherwise weldy have to resource that ourselves. We would have a AVSO. I would have had to sauce it myself from that shelf behind me somewhere it's on. If you want to watch it in the UK people, it's on Disney plus section stars which I can't put on without thinking starres evil. Never SIS impression records. What are you doing it doesn't matter? I can't explain it to I'm wasting your rack and set in it that they don't do it. That's not just get out in the bin. The titles are the fantastic I can see clearly by Johnny Nash Y, to be confused, of course, is Johnny Cash. One s the man in black and the other guy is black. So here you go absolutely a one thousand nine hundred and ninety e e n Husain hundred and net n t n, one thousand nine hundred and sety two rich number one in the bill board hot one hundred sold over one million copies, which is what gives it a gold disk in the states, but it only hits silver in the UK with two hundred thousand sales covered in ninety three for the cool Roman soundtrack, wow yeah, onny nice. This blew me away by the way was not Jamaican, is born in Texas and is the first non Caribbean Act to record in Kingston, Jamaica knockings on Pon. Tens never get those two mixed up, never a Amaya I from kings of an tes ever did we have but Kingston, I think about a Memini. Stick. No Man e was think of white phone boxes, kicks to communications in Hole. Now, that's a reference for nobody, but the people, the people of old people, Oh yeah, is we made no way perfect, but at least for no needs is that, on her welcome to hell as m sixty two the highway to hell, I mean whole yeah. Absolutely so John Cusack is Martin Blank. Hence the name of the the film yeah he's setting up for this job is jobbs is a hitman. Sorry, no he's a professional killer. That's that! That's where that's where exactly I everybody great line every time he does it. It's reallity watching his Ay and where is that ye o? Is that yeah? What was that about? No, I was looking this up. You can actually buy an I bath. You can get the one most from both for five ninty nine and basically it's just letter as it says, when the ten it's just in case on an e look in dry environment, stuff. You actually just pill that Yale Open your eye and just bathe your eye. It's a thing right, wow, that's fucking! Weird! I don't like Anton, I don't think anything in me able, so no I don't either. I can't the idea of contact lens is just makes me a bit sick, I'm entirely honest with him. Yeah touch he nice, no Ye! No! No! It's not for me make so he he's getting pretor. Shooting he's got his secretary on the phone, it's sister Joan Yeah Tasia few members. If there's a couple of members of your family in this and a right well, well spite because I only spotted Joan, but as I always do, I can't step without, of course, thinking about fantastic Adams, family s, toys, toy story or toys. I've forgotten toys even exist yeah. She was a robotic sister e Jesus. I think I've may be seen that film as many as five times as a cow. Really it's one of the S. I think that had recorded off sky when we first got sky, and I watched it over and over why? Why did I watch that? Over and over again, is this guy on a bike pulls a gun on these mobsters I mean they look like proper extras out of good fellers. Didn't they go proper guns went they really were he shoots him before they before they can be shut, or this this main guy can be shot and they unload clip after clip after clip on this. This this, I don't know corpse on a bike really this fine yeah. I flying with this this cab on it, which I always like a stubbed. It should be more stuck than in filth and then the dormant appears and executes them all yeah, just standing there blasting away this guy is a character called grocer played by home. It's a Danaro Dan acro and favorite yeah, yeah, goodness yeah. You Lot don't need us to tell you where we know don a cold from did. You know, he's made money out of founding those house of Blues Music Venues in the states yeah and is currently Hawking Crystal Head Vodka, which you can buy a bottle which looks exactly as you expect it to John Forty eight quid on Amazon for seventy cents, a let a bottle is a favor list, as if you are going to buy one, please shop anywhere else for your alcoholics, an you all. We don't mind ousedog yeah, absolutely so later they meet up at this bit of waste land. Grocer is saying a e union, that's more of a club, it's more in a club to make sure they don't get mixed up on jobs. Yeah Grocer mentions that he sold tanks to Central America. These t thirty four tanks and I yeah I took a bath on those thud. A thirty four tax, not concident must have sold these T. thirty four tanks in the last ten years, right so height, six to ninety six, considering how long you know this guy's been away from school, but but probably more likely in the last couple of years in the mid night is Soviet built. Since one thousand nine hundred and forty they stopped building them in one thousand nine hundred and fifty eight would you believe yet countries that still have them I'll? Give you an extra point. If you can guess a country in the world that still uses these tags, you Gush Lavie County, an I just covered a alou could have been. You could have been right there actually, because Bob near is one of them. A Republic of Congo just in case this as you're, not sure, that's the democratic one. You tend to know that because it doesn't have democratic in the title. If a country is democratic in the title, it is mostly undemocratic, yeah, a e e edvantiges North Korea yeah exactly on that subject: North Korea as well. The Yemen, Vietnam, Guineyguiney, Beso, Namibia and Guba, of course, Cube Nice. If you want to learn more about Cuba, tune into our current episodes, O everything we love for the simpsons, where we get to go to Cuba with homer Simpson, which is just as much one as it ses, they must be reliable tanks them. If people are still using them, they're being used in Cuba, I can assure you they are still using cast from the ES. So I was I was listening to some of the conversation. It was even me secretary. I brot the Amalteo, the animal, the ison go for it sure one of them packed up on his with eshe was asking for steel core. No so steel, co pesame is illegal, Picis, a harder steel and it doesn't deform on contact. If you shoot Kevlar with it is it ll PS at source classes am Opson aminition right, but she also says something of it. Soft Point, billets, yeah yeah no show point, builds a prains for hunting with the deformation of the nose creating a lower expansion and greater penetration. I know as soon as I state panettone a thought is going to laugh and I didn't know that and then he realized there is difference between the tenses like drank to the mail. Okay, yeah I've got you yeah. She does a little bit later on which I might as well do. While, while we're talking about bullets, she mentions nine, she shouted nine millimeter subsonic rounds. subsonic ammunition is ammunition designed to operate below the speed of sound, which means it's less than MAC. Zero Point Eight zero and it avoids Super Sonic, shot, wave or crack of a super sonic bullet which influences the loudness of the shop. So, if you're shooting with the silence that so, if you don't any get caught, that's what you want to use guys at for assassinations. I would assume I bet that is absolutely grow year. Grocer says it's a concern that that I want we've got X, Starz we've got those butch Filipinos and I'm like okay yeah great, it's a really uncomfortable conversation and like they're watching each other, the whole time art there and kind of Oh yeah. We in like the S B, to pin the hand in a book and if you try t like o yeah, it's good, he buggers off and and a new job comes in through the car facts. Did you love this Caninis? This is something that I lost a lot of time on this morning. The car facts I couldn't find a particular type of a model or anything like that, basically lost to history in the Internet, but the Toyota Century, if you bought a toie century, had an option which replaced the glove box space with an in Carfax. But that is all I could find. That is crazy, madness and it is to maisure thing have and your car yeah. He turns down he's going to go in Miami, but he turns down a job of blowing up a green piece. Boat Is Co. factest, Bolshoy Green piece have a four ships Rainbow Warrior Arctic Sunrise, Esperanza and witness he's in Miami doing this job. He drops his camera through the vent in this sleeping man, and I R drips poison down this string and just as it's about to do, it falls on his face and wakes him up. I mean this guy is a really light sleeper. Why? Yes, since it touched his face, it was up yeah, so he jumps downstairs at the gun and blows him away. I says: No, IT'S NOT ME HES! Whatever I'm doing you know I'll stop! No! No! It's not me! It's not that I just blows him away. So it's basically failed twice here ye and that's as we go in through the film he's. Really bad at this lake manage let's say a five year career. Let's say I was in the army for four Ay years years: Five Year career doing this because he doesn't do anything right the whole time, but I think it's dot with mental state. Isn't it yeah, because you can't you can to get right? S may be a professional, so they're very unhappy and he's got one last all last job that he can do is meant to make it look like he died in his sleep and it just so happens. It's where his reunion is yeah yeah, because she's, the secret is reading the the year book stuff and she is yes she's reading out the kind of that the invite to the and you kind of like, Oh my God that sounds awful. Did you ever go to one of your reunions? John? So I no! I didn't so a couple of things. I was eaout these things, the American ones different from a as cause. What they do is it every five to ten years? Isn't it every five ten years to go there, but some people take their year book. So Ye book is basically just an annual record of what they're done in the highlight stuff. So they take it with them, so they can actually compare and just see because a lot of them rate comments thinking all you're going to be the funniest pierce. Now you the hardest worker, but we don't have any on that. No, I do might do now. I but yeah, no back then, but even no. Even then I was reinin Israel, but apparently the tradition is dying out and the USA, because the Social Mejeedee are, if you've got a view. These good fast thing you do. Is You had your friends on finish books so if you've got the mirror or attainments appointing beaten up yeah? That's that's fair enough! Yeah and to be honest, if you hate them, then like I probably did yeah, you bother yeah exactly it's talks to psychiatrists couch as we discussed already the wonderful Alan Arkin he's not his doctor, because he's afraid of him he doesn't like he does, but he keeps coming back and he's to to he's too afraid to not kind of listen yeah, but it loves him because he is rating. An is is something but it a couple of books, yeah yeah this that go go a looking at that. Just looking at gotras bet grocery, as as it says, in the ten three lines rates WHO Pentas and in Cadet to somebody else, which is weird, but what our dead looked at is the sheet amount of money that theodopus get a bet remained every time you watch an American form, it seems like everybody in the dogs got at the other person, but generally the prices range from sixty five dollars to two hundred and fifty dollars an hour. Wow Therapist, I'm thinking my God sound. That's a lot of what they've o there's a lot of people with her in therapist of therapists over there, so I was going to pick have gone to pack any sort of career over there. I definite gain us some sort of therapy yeah, and now we moved to a advert for our sponsor this week, better help as Pensi my bete help, but well that we were would be would be good but yeah. It is it's an expensive job and this G he's not getting his money worth here. Is He at all it's' been dreaming on the Juras Bunny and he said that's a terrible dream. It's a depressing dream: like aerospace, drink, some punch meet up with the girl, debbiamo, okay, who's. This girl, Derby, Duracell last Juel Bunny campaign in one thousand nine hundred a D. seventy three! That's that that's there's a lot more in the Durosey and Lote court cases around it. It is very boring and very dry okays. This is the one. It got me rates a couple of things, but that seemed so one was when it was seen: a boat, the jams, a boat Deby. Yes, I was looking at it Tassoun about and it could mean that you lookin for closure a Corti somebody called Terry O Barch. The JUNISEAN is sixteen years older than energizer bunny as Jun, one thousand nine hundred and senty three but energizer as a sole rate to sell rabbit, embroidered batteries and s in the US. That's so were on it that they're, the only one, the lethe us and Canada, and U and Grisel- has kind of the rest of the world wherever wherever they wherever they sell them. I'm glad you managed take that look at out of there, because I found that was a very dry series of articles that are read yea. I press that we bet longer that grocer finds that he's lost this Detroit job to blank and he calls these feds who are seemingly after him, but he says: Oh I've got your I've got your I've got your pigeon, so obviously they're. Looking for they're looking for someone to sell yeah as blank sets gets into town, it passes the radio station and he passes Debby, which is mini driver Hoba, Hoba, yeah, t good Enos. Yes, he's one of ours he's very young, though very young. Indeed she is she's the radio DJ and she seems to have a real kind of hard on for, like to tone and kind of like punk scared. She Y A I Yahaya, that's good. He pulls up put the school and sees his old teacher Miss Mrs Kanele. She says you did. Oh, your Detroit's best disappearing accents white flight. I kind of wish I hadn't learned about this. About white fly rightly, is a turn for large scale: Migration of white people from one area to another when an area becomes more racially or culturally diverse, right, so fuck off the water you get up in the mountains, if that's your ah to yeah and it's a term. That's been popular in America since kind of h s right when areas started to become a little bit more ethnic, let's say et nity diverse, so I kind of wasn't into that. I just yeah, not great, he says yeah. I went West like the Donna Party Mane. I love the story of the Dollar Party. I got a big kick out of this story. The Donna Party was a group of American biles. We migrated to California in a wagon train from the Midwest. They were so delayed. They spent the winter eighteen. Forty six eighteen, forty seven snow bound in the Seria Sierra Nevada mountain range, like the beer. Some of the migrants resorted to cannibalism, to survive in the bodies of those who had succumbed to starvation, sickness and extreme cold on the DONA party Esus. No thanks to the wagon train. We are still alive, so I did eventually make it that they had. They had a taste for flesh. I was gonna, say he's something e chick about harm yeah, he says: Are you still teaching Ethan Throne, ethen frome? I one thousand nine hundred and even book by American Author Edith, Watton and they're basically having this gun of he says. Oh you have this Mary Tyler, more kind of thing going on he's flirting with him, but I'm kind of like that's weird. It's got that he heads off home. He gets home, but home, isn't there what's there? Instead, it's an ultimate, which I tried to go. God tons, actually no a shot. It and Bookay Fosti really is yeah. He gets in, he walk, he's, listening to guns and roses live and let die, which of course, is a cover of the wings number eleven e Di di Te to the backbands I did. I was like jeous releases, an arcade game yeah I stupidly when I was young at I bought doom. Is I tanou tons it that's a sorrevet them too yea. It is yeah yeah t e e H to wasn't released in Arcades. Yes, is a just on this. Doom to, however, was release in one thousand nine hundred and ninety four and Mak Antro, one thousand nine hundred and ninety five right. Okay, Mackintosh, remember those he walks into this convenience store and the music changes the instant it gets since, like a music version, isn't it yeah? It's like the IT s like a left, yeah elevator in written specifically for this film that piece of that that arrangement yeah it was really good he's raging in he ate questions the guy, be the canter who looks just like rambling clerks. It he's like you know where who are you? How long have you been here? Where's, your manager, when you? Where do where do you live a because the Dando doesn't answer and he leaves a voice mat, and this line is Great. He says so it turns out. You can never go home, but you...

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100 Things we learned from film
Two friends take a light hearted deep dive in to film in an attempt to learn 100 things from a different movie each week. Expect trivia to impress your friends and nonsense from the start.

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Mark Plant