Episode 79

Published on:

18th Jul 2022

Episode 79 - The Faculty

This week we're back in School and being Student Body Snatchers with The Faculty.

Learning about the worst College Football team names, loads of behind the scenes and alternate Casting as well as what a piece of dirt Harry Knowles was and we assume still is.

Should you want to see anunedited videocast of this week's episode you can join us on the Patreon for just a quid at https://www.patreon.com/100thingsfilm 

full episode Auto transcription:

Hey, guys, are the sure? We're looking at harness usher, Stuart Jansen, Patrick, hi, heartnet Edward. We're looking at years the faculty. Hello everyone, and welcome to another action packed episode of a hundred things we learned from film. I'm one of your host my name's plenty and I'm a body snatcher. Oh and I'm John. I'm the JOCK. You absolutely are, quarterback prick. Very well, very well indeed. I was gonna say it's gorgeous outside, pishing it down raining just now and it's still red. Well, I would have had my taps off, but for the very first time we are recording in video for our patrons. So if you fans, only fans, only pals, more like. So, if you want to see John's beautiful new kitchen behind him, potentially some Colin Robinson later on, as he likes to jump in, and my big fat face, you can get involved by giving us a quid a month. It is not going to be a permanent thing, but we're going to throw it up completely unedited, so you get to hear what a fucking pigs here. John just waits of the of the preamble. Anyway. It is what it is, John What what was happening that year? Well, Lord, just what was happening that year, and I'll tell you what. As that, you can't addit, any of it out. When it's the video, patrons are getting all this. Yeah, be fair. I think we've done nine. Hit Me, but I'll go to it again. Oh God, lords of crackers, the Truman show, and that's good. I know you love it. You love it, roaring, Robert, Robert, you maybe need to watch it again. Sort of a plane I wasn't on board with. I just didn't don't like it. Snake eyes, where you're Nicholas? All right, yeah, very good. For List Cage. You don't know. A few of them didn't. The city avengers, biggest pointless fellow I've ever seen in life. Nick Nicholas Cage, the Crow, the crow, five patch Adams, oh Jesus, yeah, because because cancer can be cured with laughter. Exactly, exactly, and you know this. You know this. And Fallen, which is about a weird one. I remember watching this way Denzel, and it's about a sort of mother that sort of goes between bodies. Nope, you have that's absolutely lost on that one night. John Goodman is good crack. John Goodman. Yeah, court John Goodman and of them. That's what that's you. I'll meet John Black, Claire Flanni, though, true, and you get to see Brad Peck getting run over, don't you? Yeahie Hopkins, Athone Hopkins, round the horn. Anyway, by the bye, I saw this in ninety nine, so that's got a release in I want to say, February ninety nine in Australia. To cinema in Australia see this and had a great time. I think I might have seen this as part of a double bill with the First Guy, Ritchie film lock stock, is part of a double bill, and with lock stock, which is pretty good double bill. Anyway. You know, listeners, you don't want to hear about through the miss of time with an old hey everyone, an old man's talking should be the alternate name for this podcast. Anyway, right with the podcast that tries to an hundred things. John's got a list of things, I've got a list of things. I'm going to talk us through the film. John's gonna add some funny bits and we're gonna go from there. Happy to go, Big Fella, I'm happy brilliant stuff. Okay, so we start with Mirrormax and dimension films. Now, we did to mension films before, didn't we? So we're not gonna do it again. But I've certainly can tell you a little bit about mirrormax films. Their first film was good year, called Rock Show, Paul McCartney and Wings Concert Film. Jesus, who are Mirrormax Youn? Only the distributor paramount could have been right. Now this year Mirrormax, and this blew me away, have got a fletch film coming out. Remember fletch ship? Yeah, but it's John Hamm. I mean I loved John Hamm. Jesus, he makes some ship decisions. to WHO's standing for fletching? Two, like there's surely nobody going. Do you know what film I really liked? Fletch lives. I dug him wrong. I loved him, but I can you recreate that? Can? You wouldn't have thought so, mate. You wouldn't have thought anything for money. We open with this really angry coach, that always brilliant Robert Patrick, and again he's in on this and he he knows what a kind of film he's in. He screaming, scimming Blue Eyes. Yeah, absolutely, he doesn't look much older here and we're what six years on, seven years on from judge mcday? Yeah, absolutely screaming at his team and stand his quarterback and it's proper heart attack behavior, this, isn't it? Yeah, did you catch the song in the background? Oh God, no, I was. It was the next but I was blew me. Was Really, really annoyed it the next. The song was the kids aren't all right by the offspring from that American album which I've got CD somewhere behind. Meeting in the car tomorrow and I got CD player again. I'M gonna throw it in the car. It September one. It's high was eleventh in the US and the UK, Sixty nine in Australia, nice and forty three in Belgium's alter a pub, fifty wiland there. I don't know what then that is. It went gold in the UK, Platinum in Italy and the USAF. So we did alright. It's done, all right. They were they were big, weren't they? They were really big at that point. I went to see them, I want to say in two thousand, a couple of days after my birthday, so like the next year. Um, and there were great, fantastic and it's Colin Robinson. Fella. Um Again, listeners, if you want to see Colin Robinson walking all over the laptop, my notes, yeah, then you're gonna need to making techniques. Yeah, yeah, so they were. They were huge chill children at the time and a great zone. Yeah, there were a green deal of time. Yeah, yeah, arguably better anyway. So what's the what? What's the next song? That that got you going? As soon as I heard the REF coming in, I'm like what they're doing? I see right, yeah, we'll come to that. Yeah, we will come to that. Yeah, that fucked with me. You know what I'm talking about? Yeah, yeah, yeah, and he's approached by this unseen character. He's like, what do you want? And we fade out. That night there's a meeting of staff. There's no money for Ms Brummel. Miss Brummels just about million years old, the Blair which, no money for her computers, no money for Mr Take's trip to NYC. Now, Mr Take, the actor that played Mr Tate, we have seen in a number of things, but on this podcast he was the opposing COP chief two, Brian Cox's COP chief. Yeah, yeah, Johnny chimpo brilliant in this as well. And again. I know I mentioned every time the bad guy in masters of illusion. Oh God, yeah, yeah, yeah, I forgot about that. Actually, yeah, that's who's WHO's the WHO's the good guy? WHO's the good magician in that? Scott Bacula, is it? Is it a master of illusion? I'm making that. Yeah, as long as it's no masters universe. That's no, that's a very but the bad guy, that's skeletor it's friend. Yeah, anyway. Um, and they can't get this money. He wants stay to New York and Mrs Olsen wants to do a mute Zical, but there's no money, because I'm sure the football team will get get their kit. Yeah, and she's like they will get whatever town. You've seen what it's like on a Friday night here. Principal Drake, maybe new with by the way, you know who she is. Big Fan of cheers Lilith. Yeah, brilliant, Foxy Ist. fucking this, by the way. Yeah, appeal, complained and no, does it for me, mate, does it? Does it for me? Your Scotty, she's got to do it for you and she's my hands are tied. So No, guys and dolls. Use last year's set from our town. Now a couple of things. Guys and dolls. It was a nineteen fifty Broadway show by Frank Losser. It won the Tony that year and got a film version in nineteen in Frank soon after Marlon Brando and Gene Simmons, not the sticking out yeah, sticking out face makeup love gun one. Obviously, the famous song that we all know from it, of course, is guys and dolls were just a bunch of crazy guys and dolls. It's not. It's an episode of the Simpsons, but you get the idea. Just the joke here is, by the way, using the set from our town. Our town famously doesn't have a set, and kind of budge the joke, you know. Yeah, I liked that. I liked it. Yeah, it's good, isn't it? Yeah, and there's a lot of kind of there's a lot of funny little bits in this. I think this is probably going to be quite a long episode because I think we both love this, didn't we? Yeah, I think it's aged brilliantly well, except for some of the CG which will come to they're leaving. She says she's forgot her keys and she needs to go back into the darkened school because all the lights are off and you can't put lights back on. Apparently. Oh yeah, that's that's a rule. Yeah, she figured she she goes into her office, gets the keys and coach Willis Robert Patrick's there. He won't let it leave without a pencil. It's like, you look really pretty and I really want to borrow a pencil. Yeah, okay, and do you know what, here's your pencil. Why don't you and your pens are going to sleep it off. And what does he do? Text through her hand. Plunges it right through her hand. I looked this up. Good, I'm glad you did, because, well, just to see if I was looking at and since we're people, put pencils through hands. The only thing I can find recently, because there was an an eight year old in California's hospitalized after a billy stabbed a pencil through his knee. She that's that's just the idea of broken knees and ship is no good. I would not be a good mob enforce I couldn't find any. What all I found was bloody assholes doing magic tricks on Youtube, and I stand by this. It's not magic if you could edit a video. Yeah, to Piss off. Yeah, you need to see it in the flash if you did bud upon but what I thought was, and again for the video, this works like there's bones there, there's like there's a is there a? Yeah, yeah, there's Ale. Yeah, all right, fucking Jesus God. Yeah, alright, in the hands and fenails. And it's a good effect though, this putty hand. I liked it. She needs him in the plums and runs for it. Finds the door chained. Where is the door? The doors chained out of nowhere, and you kind of like, I don't know how's that happened, and we can kind of guess in a moment or two. She knocks coach the ground and escapes the set of scissors once again, finds that she's keyless. She's fucking useless. She makes it out and locks coaching, losing the scissors. Ms Olsen picks them up and stabs at the death of them. Is fucking slow motion. What's wrong with the face thing, Pretty Graham? Yeah, now this massive long opening scene. You had an issue with the music. Yes, what's the crack? I just there's bad enough for we're trying to get pink floyd to put music on streaming media and stuff like that. They can. They completely take a cracking song like breaking the wall and just ref it and just and get other people to sing. Don't they like it? Leave it alone. It's a perfect piece of music. Yet, Hey, class of ninety nine, leave that song along, that song on your class of night in night. John. I'm looking at it because I didn't write it down. So what's the point? Short term, American alternate rock Super Group, Super Group bunny ears, inverted commas right, consisting of members of notable rock bands. Okay, and there's a couple of notable rock bands here and some ship Lane Staley of Alice in change, I don't know, Tom Morrello, raged against some machine. You know him, Stephen Perkins, Anthony to his mates from Jay's addiction, Martin Lynn, noble novel, from the Novel Porno for Pyros, I don't know, and Matt Serlick, from one of Rachel's favorite bands, matchbox twenty. Water load of fucking bollocks they are. And that is it. They got together for that, just giving rap. Yeah, and in fact it's so good, such a good song, John. I'm gonnaice to get some facts about it. Another brick and all. Part two is the one that we know of the three parts, written as a protest song against corporate punishment, which was out ard in state schools in the UK, nine six and private schools in which explains so much of what is wrong with our current government. Yeah, it was number one in deep breath, Australia, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, New Zealand, Norway, Portugals said it again, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, USA, and sold four million copies worldwide. Not Too Shabby. That's that's physical copies. Yeah, well, yeah, yeah, would have all been physical copies, but none of this streaming bollocks here. Mate. So it was three part of composition by Pink Floyd from nineties, seventy nine, and it was classed as a rock opera. Yeah, I love that. Have you? Have you seen another brick in the what have you seen? Is it another brick in the world the film? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, horrifying stuff. It really was going to back in the day. I love that. Scary, scary Shite. A little bit of background on this school, by the way. Harrington high not real. Herrington as a town also not real. Filmed in western Lockhart, Texas, which is known as the barbecue capital of Texas, which I assume that's the next town along from Cowboyville and ship larger county. Probably definitely come at me, Texans, because you wear those healed boots, don't you either, Go Ching, Ching Ching everywhere you walk, sports pose, Tottingham Hotspurs. Yeah, but I like the fact that it's not a real place. Yep, right, this bit we go through here with with the kids. You kind of meet them all and you get their names, which is brilliant if you're doing a podcast about this, because he gets it right down who they are. Number one is Zeke Josh Hartnett and written in his Mustang, and I'm fucking wrong. I know it's not a Mustang. Now I've written it down, but nice one, pacy, I mean Casey Elijah. Would he gets rammed at this post ball's first Danny. Yeah, it's kind of like Shit. That is pretty nasty. testical trauma is a great name for a band. Is when testicles are hurt by force, the cover gets torn or shattered and blood can leak into the scrotum until it becomes tense, which can lead to infection. God, just don't keep seeing it. Stop saying testical trauma. This Delilah, my least favorite character this whole yes, yes, Georgana bet brewster, right, good looking lassie, which is on about these stay Lorder lips take seventy two hours to apply. Could not find anything state Lawder Lips, by the way. However, I did find out State Lawder was found in New York City by the woman of the same name. She was the only female to feature in the twenty most influential business geniuses of the twentieth century, as published by Time magazine. What. Yeah, so everybody else? That's amazing. Probably trump was in that. I assumed so. And she she was a sister. In the fast few days, didn't she state Lauder fucking else, she did Jordans in front of all my bowels. Of all you're paying friends, and that's the thing, John, nothing about paying. But you know she was the sister because, as we noticed, all about firmly ward, firmly, this leaders a Zi family and respect. Get my pub stand is the quarterback that we saw before and Delilah's boyfriend. Yeah, stokely clear devalt go, kind of bit bit goth kids. You know, like really low budget out of the fact of the craft. Yes, yeah, I always forget her name and listeners are screaming boys in water boys. She isn't water boy. Yeah, and that Nicholas Cage Um port of call, you know, the Fred Lieutenant bad lieutenant potkole rotten, absolute piece of ship, that film. Anyway. Elijah Wood was the first person, apparently, to cross Niagara Falls by rope as part of an adrenaline challenge. Went. Don't ask. Josh Hartnett turned down the following rolls. whoever. This kid's brilliant spider man, Super Man and Batman. Do you know what he didn't turn down, though? A film about a haircutting competition in Keith Lee, West Yorkshire. I think it's called blow dry or blow job or something. Seriously, yeah, Alan Rickman's Dad Jesus because, yeah, yeah, when we do a Yorkshire Month we'll do that. Cleared about is named after the last volume in author Lawrence de Moles, the Alexandria Quartet novels. I don't know what they are. I didn't look into them, I was busy looking at the other books. Jordana Brewster, the faculty was the first film yet know what facts, but sorry, mate. Yeah, we've got to get that, we've got to get right. And then there's this new kid, Mary Beth something, something, something's got about seven hundred names and she yeah, yeah, God, and a new kid. I've got a clue. KLEX Klan Sense Zeke, selling fake ID of the brother from that seventies show. Yeah, yeah, I was. I was looking up by misdemeanors or possession of fake ideas in America, Da up to one year's jail term, summary Probation, community service and or money toor finds up to you a thousand dollars. They'll put you in prison for fucking out, won't they? Because it's a business loving, loving. I smoked cigarettes and then everything, just sitting there smoking, just getting it on. So I'll double checked this as well, because I was unsure to this. Remember that you used to be able to smoke around about hospitals, and then he stopped all that. Yes, apparently it was the same in schools. Adults could smoke in around schools and then my support portion of the districts prohibited it from the short of phased out from sixte Al Right. Well, it was the same sort of idea, because I was. I was always wondered that. I was like, I don't actually they smoke rear schools, but apparently not. You could. You could smoke in our school staff room when I was a kid. I think it's just must be the American ones, because it just comes. So you can't smoke. You text many guns in as you want. Yeah, yeah, you have to, you can. Need to protect us over the smokers. I'm gonna Kill Cancer, I'm gonna Kill Cancer, I'm going to shoot it in the fucking face. And basically all the kids in the background are absolute pricks, all fighting, arguing, these lasses, crashing the car. And we learned that Zeke is selling this stuff. He's throwing in this drug, isn't he? Inside? Yeah, Scat, he calls it, which makes anything else any other name other than like ship. Yeah, go on, anything else. But they were in Blue Biros. In fact, I'm waving at the screen now, a green one and a black one, blue one big crystal, which I'm using to keep track of. The hanks introduced nine and in two thousand and six they sold their hundred billion. One Jesus crazy that the best selling pen in the world and the Manhattan Museum of Modern Art has made it a permanent fixture because this fuck all else going on. And I guess there are six types of point with eighteen coors. There you go. And, as I say, Black Green, I think that might be. That's a purple one. It's not a blue one anyway. But using all my wife's good pens, kicking off right in the faculty room, there's this teacher, Harry Ah and you we're gonna me all the teachers as we go on, all the faculty, and I'll kind of cover them when we cover them, but Harry was one that I was particularly interesting. Did you recognize this guy? Is that? Is that the guy with the Gender Big Fat Guy? Yeah, so it was. I felt it was a film critic when he well, yeah, kind of. Yeah, Harry Knowles, he's called. So he was. He was in the Austin Film Critic Association and you go and kicked it for sexual harassment and correct. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, AIn'tick. Cool news was his website and yeah, he got he got kicked out for assault, sexually assaulting Jasmine Baker in two thousand at the Alamo drafthouse in Austin. Apparently he was also very easily bought by studios for...

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100 Things we learned from film
Two friends take a light hearted deep dive in to film in an attempt to learn 100 things from a different movie each week. Expect trivia to impress your friends and nonsense from the start.

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Mark Plant